Vanilla Slice, Not Quite

4 ingredients is Australia's Highest Selling Cookbook Series written by Kim McCosker. As the name suggests, all recipies have 4 ingredients or less.
You can follow 4ingredients on facebook which is where I got this recipe.


Makes 8 slices

* 200g/7oz packet Lattice biscuits (though any flat-square biscuit will work)
* 600ml or 1 Pint of thickened cream
* 100g/3.5oz packet Vanilla Pudding mix

Line a 20 x 30cm lasagne dish with baking paper. Layer with 8 Lattice biscuits flat side up. In a bowl, mix cream and pudding until thick, then spoon onto the biscuit base.

Top with another layer of biscuits, shiny side up. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before slicing and serving.

This tastes nothing like a Vanilla Slice to me, I found the cream overpowered the weak flavouring of the instant pudding mix (and I did use the recommended cottee's  brand) and with only 3 ingredients in the recipe it baffles me as to why vanilla was not added to the list.
Never the less, the result was a deliciously over indulgent delight of smooth velvety filling in a crisp biscuit sandwich.


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