Fruit and Oat Balls

They're on Pinterest, cooking forums, Meal sharing and fitness groups! People are posting pictures of their balls all over the place!!
Well, I've resisted the baller movement for so long but I finally decided to get mine out and share with the world.
I will refrain from further puns so you can jump straight in and admire my balls.

Fruit and Oat Balls

1.5 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup saltanas
1/2 cup dried cranberries
Approx 2-3 Tablespoons Golden Syrup

•Combine dry ingredients in a food processor.
•Add 2 Tablespoons golden syrup, Process for 1 minute, continue to add golden syrup a little at a time until mixture is just sticky enough to hold a ball shape.
•Roll mixture into balls and refrigerate.

What's your favourite combo?
Share your links, Let's see those balls!


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