Perfect Hot Cross Buns

I love spending time in the kitchen with my husband, there's something so satisfying and enjoyable about creating something special together.
When i say getting creative in the kitchen I am, of course, talking about food just to be clear. Combining two of my favourite things in one place.

Last year my talented understudy made some pretty nice Hot Cross Buns, nice enough for me to request a repeat. I think he knocked it right out of the park this year with this recipe though. Perfect mix of spices and fruit and the density is just right.

Alice Arndell, author of
How to make hot cross buns (<~ you'll find the recipe here) says:
"The key to great hot cross buns is generous helpings of spices and fruit, and taking your time with the dough. Don't skimp on kneading or rising time, as this is what makes buns light and airy."
Unlike me, my husband never skimps on his baking and it usually pays off, what he doesn't cook in quantity, he makes up for in quality. Certainly in this case, it has paid off and I will be keeping this recipe so that I can enjoy his magnificent buns just as much next year.

Happy Easter Everyone!


  1. Hi,
    Gosh, you make me so hungry with these:) They look absolutely yummy. Happy Easter Melinda!!!


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