Getting Silly With PTA

I've got my silly on this week. The cold, wet weather has kept us indoors more than usual so, I've been exploring a few more blogs from the Parent Talk Australia website.
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I decided it would be a bit of fun to set myself a challenge- how many blog titles can I write into one post?

So here goes, all blog titles are marked in blue and are linked to each website to go ahead and check them out:

I'm in the Blue Zone every morning, until Mum Takes Five with a cuppa. 

Perhaps I'll join the Handbagmafia today and find out what {life behind the purple door} is all about. I would rather be A Quirky Bird dancing to the Family Beat and Seeing The Lighter Side. I am a Mumma Plus Three afterall.

Coffee's over and I need to get the kids dressed. We're having lunch with Michelle Sutton, Melanie Greenhalgh, Eliza Ellis, Nell & Oll. Maxabella loves our lunch dates but she's got plans with a Hippie Mumma, Gold Coast Mum and a Canberra Mummy, should be interesting. Mumma Raj Says she might join us later.

Over lunch, we discuss this Ever-changing Life of a Mum and i resolve that Finding Myself Young seems unlikely. We all agree that Life, kids and a glass of red sums up the History of Parenting.
It's important to remember that there are Different Kinds of Normal and that life is one big Adventure Baby! Because we are Wonderfully Women who can raise Toddlers plus teens while living the dream. While we chat, our Sunny Coast Kids play.

When Mr. Wonderful came home from a long day of Dadinating the Countryside and said " Honey, You Baked!"
"Near As Dammit," was my reply.
I handed him a bowl of Mum-bo-Jumbo and explained, "I ran out of Kidgredients and My Bored Toddler kept Looking for Mumma Me because she wanted to play eenie meenie miney mum! Once again I had to explain to Mr3 why Toilets aren't for Turtles......"
He gave me a great big Hugzilla, I'm so thankful for Our Parallel Connection and want to spend all of My2Morrows with him.
"You're The Multitasking Mummy." He said.

Thanks for reading!
I managed to get 40 in.
If you want to check out all of the contributors, head over to Parent Talk Australia website HERE. Don't forget to like their Facebook page to keep up to date with Australia's best in parent blogging.


  1. This is fabulous! Good work ;-)

    1. Thanks Rebecca, it was a bit of fun.

  2. Hilarious! I love it! X

    1. Thanks Gretta. I enjoyed checking out all the sites too.


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