I Challenge You to Clean Yourself Fit This Spring!

If you haven't been following on Facebook, you won't know that I have signed for Mumma Plus Three's Spring Cleaning Challenge.
Just like Christmas in July and being organised Christmas in December, every year I declare that next year, I will do it! This year, I actually am doing it (spring cleaning that is, Christmas will probably be a last minute rush as usual).

I have had it up to here *points to an area above head* with the chaos that is my home and it's about time I did something about it!
Feel the same way? Sign up and join in the fun here.

Spring cleaning is more than just an opportunity to overhaul your home. It is also a great way to help shed those extra little winter comfort food deposits that have settled in unwanted places.
No, I'm not talking about behind the lounge (although, the thought of what lurks beneath that monster is making me a tad nervous). I am talking about those love handles, gifted to you by too many mug cakes and hefty carb laden meals. That slowcooker has a lot to answer for, how dare it make fudge so easily!

It wasn't until I stood in front of a full length mirror for the first time in months that I realised why I felt so tired and heavy these past few weeks. I knew I was carrying a little extra but in that change room trying on clothes that were now 2 sizes too small.... that was the real eye opener. I had visions of the sales lady standing behind me, shaking her head, "Honey, if you pull those bra straps any further, they're gunna snap!"

Now, I don't know about you but with two small children 24/7 another at school and a shift working husband, I don't find the time to go to the gym or set up a regular exercise routine. However, I do make time to clean and I know that activity is better than inactivity so why not intensify the act of cleaning into a workout?

This Spring cleaning season, I will be challenging myself to more than just a clean and organised house and I challenge you too!

Keep an eye out for my upcoming post on how to spring clean your way to a summer body. Small changes to the way you clean could make all the difference.
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Let's clean our way to a healthier version of us!


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