Strawberry and Banana Pikelets

Wait! Is there a sense of irony about this?
Here I am, gabbing on about shedding my love handles while eating pikelets for breakfast. You're thinking, "Is she for real?"
Yes! I absolutely am!! 
These pikelets are a far healthier option than a few slices of toast or a bowl of cereal and way more delicious. Real fruit, delivering both fibre and vitamins and did you notice? No added sugar too. 

Now, I'll be honest, when I set about making these I knew my kids would like them but I didn't expect that they would LOVE them (after all, they're not the sweet, cake like pikelets we usually treat ourselves to) and even my two big sweettooths loved them. Shhh, don't tell them!

Strawberry and Banana Pikelets
Makes 20

250g of strawberries
1 ripe or overripe banana
2 cups self raising flour
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 1/2 cups milk (approx)

• Puree half the strawberries and all of the banana. Cut up the remaining strawberries and set aside for serving. (You can serve with any fruit you like)
• Sift flour and bicarb in a large bowl
• Add fruit puree, egg, vanilla essence and 1 cup of the milk, mix well.
• Continue to add milk, a little at a time until your batter is a smooth pouring consistency.
• Heat a large frypan/skillet to medium high. You can use a small amount of butter or oil if necessary to keep pikelets from sticking to the base.
• Using a soup ladle or large spoon, spoon mixture into frypan - about 3-4 tablespoons per pikelet.
• Cook on one side until bubbles form and being to burst on the surface(about 2 minutes), turn each pikelet and cook for a further 1.5-2 minutes.

Before you rush off to the kitchen, check out more great kids recipes from ”whatkidseat”

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